Pause Live! is a groundbreaking event dedicated to menopause education and support, is set to make its debut in the heart of London this November, bringing together a diverse panel of experts from the fields of menopause, aesthetic medicine, functional medicine, and gynaecology to empower and educate individuals about navigating the challenges and opportunities that menopause presents.
We are delighted that Charlotte Body, the founder of Pause Live! 2023 agreed to send write us this guest blog on World Menopause Day with her own expert insight on ways to wear clothes that help and not hinder your symptoms! Remember – if any of these tips make sense for you, you can add some notes into your order box and we’ll do our best to pick pre-loved items that will fit your requirements.
‘Through my work as founder of Pause Live! 2023 I am keen to improve education and awareness about the menopause.
There are over 30 recognised menopause symptoms and these vary hugely from one woman to the next, and so finding a personalised treatment plan that is right for you is key.
There are some symptoms, such as hot sweats, bloating, weight gain, and dry itchy skin, which may impact how comfortable you feel in clothes. For this reason I would offer these tips for dressing during the menopause:
- Layers are your friend!
‘Many women experience temperature changes such as hot flushes during the menopause, this is down to the hormone fluctuations that occur. It can mean you’re feeling a normal temperature one minute and dripping in sweat the next. For this reason wearing layers can be a good way to be able to quickly address the temperature change you’re feeling.’
- Look for elastic waists
‘Some women experience bloating or weight gain during the menopause, and so elastic waistbands can help to reduce the chance of discomfort or feeling restricted in this area.’
- Opt for natural fabrics
‘Plant-based fabrics like cotton and linen are extremely breathable, as are animal-based fabrics like silk and wool. They allow air to circulate and help to keep the body cool, which can help with temperature regulation and also reduce skin irritation.’
- Looser styles may be kinder to skin
‘If you’re experiencing dry, itching skin which some women do during menopause, then looser styles can help to reduce skin chafing and irritation.’
- Don’t compromise on your style
‘Loss of confidence is common during the menopause as women experience a whole host of changes, both physically and psychologically. Try not to compromise on your style. Remember that your clothes are an expression of yourself, so be brave and wear what you want!’